

(47) Krause, D. E., Kersting, M., Heggestad, E. D., & Thornton, G. C. (2016). Incremental validity of assessment center ratings over cognitive ability tests. A study at the executive management level. Sage Benchmarks in psychology: Work and organisational psychology, 2.  

(46) Krause, D. E.(2015).Four types of leadership and orchestra quality.Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 25 (4), 431–447.

(45) Krause, D. E., Anderson, N., Rossberger, R. J., & Parastuty, Z. (2014). Assessment center practices in Indonesia: An exploratory study. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 22 (4), 384–398.

(44) Rossberger, R. J., & Krause, D. E. (2014). National culture and national innovation: An analysis in 55 countries. Cross Cultural Research, 49 (2), 1–37.

(43) Rossberger, R. J., & Krause, D. E. (2014). Personality, culture and innovation – A national level analysis. GSTF International Journal of Psychology 1, (1), 74–80.

(42) Krause, D. E., & Simon, J. (2013). Achieve mission impossible? Ethische Führung als Anforderung an Führungskräfte der Zukunft [Achieve mission impossible? Ethical leadership as a requirement for future leaders]. Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation, 82 (1), 31–39. 

(41) Rossberger, R. J., & Krause, D. E. (2013). Personality profiles and national innovativeness. The mediating role of cultural practices. Journal of Jaw and Social Sciences, 3.

(39) Krause, D. E. (2012). Consequences of manipulation in organizations: Two studies on its effects on emotions and relationships. Psychological Reports, 111 (1), 199–218.

(38) Preusse, S., & Krause, D. E. (2012). Recruiting for a multi-national enterprise in China. Ivey Management Series, 1–10.

(37) Rossberger, R., & Krause, D. E. (2012). National culture, heterogeneity and innovation – new insights into the relationship between the GLOBE dimensions and national level innovation. Journal of Law and Social Science, 2 (1), 84–89.   

(36) Krause, D. E. (2012). Staffing and developing personnel using assessment centers: Evidence from three continents. Journal of Law and Social Science, 2 (1), 112–117.   

(35) Krause, D. E. (2012). Teaching notes on the case study. Ivey Management Series, 1121.

(34) Krause, D. E., Rossberger, R. J., Dowdeswell, K., Venter, N., & Joubert, T. (2011). State of the art of assessment center practices in South Africa. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 19 (3),262275 

(33) Krause, D. E. (2011). Enhancing process innovations: The role of cognitions, and power-based leadership. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 3, 212–230.

(32) Krause, D. E. (2011). “Wer nie was riskiert, kann nie scheitern. Und nie gewinnen.” Vertrauen – Ein Ferment gesellschaftlicher Risikoproduktion [If you do not take a risk you can never fail but you also can never win. Trust – a condition of risk production in the society].Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik, 38-40.

(31) Krause, D.E., & Thornton, G.C. III (2009). A cross-cultural look at assessment center practices: A survey in Western Europe and Northern America. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 58 (4), 557–585.

(30) Task Force on Assessment Center Guidelines (Byham, W. C., Chawla, A., Gibbons, A.M., Houde, S., Joiner, S., Kim, M., Krause, D.E., Kudisch, J., Lundquist, C., MacDonald, D.R., Maher, P.D., Reynolds, D., Rupp, D., Schleicher, D.J., Seegers, J.J.L., and Thornton III, G.C.)  (2009). Guidelines and ethical considerations for assessment center operations. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 17, 243–254.

(29) Thornton, G.C. III, & Krause, D.E. (2009). Comparison of practices in selection vs. developmental assessment centers: An international survey. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (2), 478–498.

(28) Krause, D.E. (2009). „Ob Kritik konstruktiv wird, entscheidet der Kritisierte“. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 53 (2), 77–79.

(27) Eurich, T., Krause, D.E., Cigularov, K., & Thornton, G.C. III (2009). The current use of assessment center programs in the U.S.. Journal of Business and Psychology, 24 (4), 387–407.

(26) Krause, D.E., & Piske, R. (2008). Development of a multinational personnel selection system. Ivey Management Series, 41, 1–17. 

(25) Krause, D. E., Gebert, D., & Kearney, E. (2007). Implementing process innovations: The benefits of combining delegative-participatory leadership and consultative-orienting leadership. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 14 (1), 16–25.

(24) Krause, D. E. (2007). Leadership and power. Personnel Psychology, 60 (2), 517–525.

(23) Krause, D.E. (2007). „Nur ein mittelmäßiger Mensch ist immer in Hochform“ [Only a mediocre person is always in top form]. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 51 (4), 192–200.

(22) Krause, D.E. & Thornton III, G.C. (2007). Kulturelle Vielfalt und Assessment Center: Handlungsempfehlungen für Theorie und Praxis [Cultural diversity and assessment centers]. Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation, 4, 223–230.

(21) Krause, D.E. (2007). “Auf jedem Schiff, ob’s dampft, ob’s segelt, gibt’s einen, der die Sache regelt” [Whether steam or sail, every ship has somebody who takes charge]. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 51 (1), 47–52.

(20) Krause, D. E., Kersting, M., Heggestad, E. D., & Thornton, G. C. (2006). Incremental validity of assessment center ratings over cognitive ability tests. A study at the executive management level. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 14 (4), 360–371.

(19) Krause, D. E., & Gebert, D. (2006). Effekte von interpersonalen Konflikten und Widerstand von Führungskräften auf die Implementierung von Innovationen [Effects of interpersonal conflicts and manager’s resistance on the implementation of innovations]. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 20 (2), 102–120.

(18) Krause, D. E. (2005). Innovationsförderliche Führung – Eine empirische Analyse [Leading for innovativeness – An empirical study]. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 116 (2), 61–76.

(17) Krause, D. E., & Thornton, G. C. (2005). International research project: Cultural value orientation and assessment center practices in America, Europe, and Asia. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 4 (4), 206–208.

(16) Krause, D. E. (2005). Report of the congress of The Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 4 (4), 209–210.

(15) Krause, D. E. (2004). Influenced-based leadership as a determinant of the inclination to innovate and of innovation-related behaviors – An empirical investigation. Leadership Quarterly, 15 (2), 79–102.

(14) Krause, D. E. (2004). Cognitive-emotional processes as stimuli for innovation – Empirical examination of the Lazarus-theory in the context of innovation. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 3 (2), 63–78.

(13) Boerner, S., Krause, D. E., & Gebert, D. (2004). Leadership and cooperation in orchestras – An empirical study. Human Resource Development International, 7 (4), 465–479.

(12) Krause, D. E. & Gebert, D. (2004). Förderung der Innovationsgeneigtheit und innovationsbezogener Verhaltensweisen [Promoting the inclination to innovate and innovation related behaviors]. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 11 (1), 56–60. 

(11) Krause, D. E., & Gebert, D. (2003). A comparison of assessment center practices in organizations in German-speaking regions and the United States. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11 (4), 297–312.

(10) Krause, D. E., & Gebert, D. (2003). Unterschiede in der Durchführung zwischen internen und externen Assessment Centern – Eine empirische Analyse [Differences between approaches to conducting internal and external assessment centers – An empirical analysis]. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 47 (2), 87–94.

(9) Krause, D. E., Boerner, S., Lanwehr, R., & Nachtigall, C. (2002). The use of power as a condition for the successful leadership of an orchestra: An analysis using linear structural equation models. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 1 (3), 124–137.

(8) Boerner, S., & Krause, D. E. (2002). Führung im Orchester: Kunst ohne künstlerische Freiheit? – Eine empirische Untersuchung [Leadership in an orchestra: Art without artistic freedom?]. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 16 (1), 90–106.

(7) Krause, D. E., & Klöhn, C. (2002). Führung in Innovationsprozessen als Balance zwischen Vertrauen und Machteinsatz [Leadership in innovative processes: A balance between trust and power]. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 9 (2), 71–79.

(6) Krause, D. E., & Piske, R. (2001). Theater im Unternehmen? Das Unternehmenstheater als innovatives Organisationsentwicklungsinstrument [Theatre in the firm? Organizational theatre as an innovative organizational development method]. Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation, 70 (5), 276–284.

(5) Boerner, S., Krause, D. E., & Gebert, D. (2001). In der Kunst „untergehen“ – in der Kunst „aufgehen“ – Empirische Ergebnisse zur Funktionalität einer direktiv-charismatischen Führung im Orchester [Submerging or drowning in art. Empirical results on the function of directive-charismatic leadership in orchestras]. Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation, 70 (5), 285–292.

(4) Krause, D. E., & Boerner, S. (2001). Experten führen Experten – Zur Führung im Orchester. Eine empirische Studie [Experts lead experts –Leadership in orchestras. An empirical study]. Das Orchester, 49 (12), 8–11.

(3) Boerner, S. & Krause, D., E. (2001). Musik als Berufung – Zur Motivation im Orchester. Eine empirische Studie [Music as a vocation – Motivation in an orchestra. An empirical study]. Das Orchester, 49 (11), 8–11.

(2) Krause, D. E., Meyer zu Kniendorf, C., & Gebert, D. (2001). Das Assessment Center in der deutschsprachigen Wirtschaft [The assessment center in the German economy]. Personal – Zeitschrift für Human Resource Management, 53 (11), 638–642.

(1) Krause, D. E., Meyer zu Kniendorf, C., & Gebert, D. (2001). Aktuelle Trends in der Assessment Center Anwendung [Current trends in the use of assessment centers]. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 8 (3), 47–55.

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